
The description has been revised. A tentative replacement is currently being fashioned in the smithy. Where have you been? I'll leave you two alone to work it out. Please put your valuables between parentheses. A Provisional will be by your house momentarily.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I Made the Traitor List

I loiter within the spring at the heart of every autumn.

It's long past curfew, the streets all but empty: cats in heat heard but not seen, always behind trash cans or around corners in alleys or in the shadows (in plain view were there light enough). Windblown blossoms cross the street airborn & embarrassed by their goodlooks, sweetsmell, & youth...or is that how I'd feel were I swirling about like that?

Outside it's fall everyday all day but in here the young flirt shamlessly then wait till dark to couple off on Half Moon Beach to neck & fuck on the rocks. Outside I was dying.

That is until yesterday when I turned you in & began loitering within the spring at the heart of every autumn.


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