
The description has been revised. A tentative replacement is currently being fashioned in the smithy. Where have you been? I'll leave you two alone to work it out. Please put your valuables between parentheses. A Provisional will be by your house momentarily.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Which Side Are You On, Boy?

The skull of Shane MacGowan haunts my sleep.

Octavio Paz is a Mexican who invented a new city made of words and bright shadows and a black sun.

In Paris Julio Cortazar imagined tigers roaming through the unused wings of colonial palaces.

In your heart you too are an expatriot. London Bridge is falling down...I am London Bridge.

Shane's songs are singing themselves. They are returning to Tipperary--commingled with grime and streecorner amphetimines.

The Catholics invaded. Protty Britain fought back...


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